So what does a typical day look like as a Vegan? Well it truly depends. Some days are healthier than others, but I always strive for high carb and low fat, and fruit always, ALWAYS for breakfast. It makes you feel great, buzzing with energy, hydrated and satisfies your body completely. The more fruit you eat, the more your body craves it - because it is literally nature's superfood.
Fruit does digest quickly, so that's why I'm constantly eating throughout the day! With meals higher in fat (from nuts, oil, avocado etc) it's almost like your body notices immediately and you feel that tad more lethargic - even if they do taste amazing! So 99% of my cooking is done without oil, it's just steamed, baked or panfried quickly without much oil.
Even if i'm on the run, i'll still get my fruit it! This was a litre banana smoothie - 7 spotty bananas blended with about 1/2 ltr of water!
Going plant-based is the single best decision I have ever made - for a number of reasons! Once you eat plants, you'll never miss anything else - Your tastebuds change every 2 weeks as well, so it's pretty easy to start getting hooked on the good stuff! x
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