The 'V' Word

Going Vegan is the easy part .... dealing with everything else, is not.

At first looking into this lifestyle, I wasn't at all scared what it would bring, but more excited and thrilled to be helping my health, the animals and the planet with every decision I took on a daily basis. It is only until now that I have become fully Vegan, I have realised the daily implications that it has brought to my life. Of course nothing could ever deter myself to going back to the horrible way I was eating before.  Arguments with family members and slight differences in social settings were the only main issues before, and to be fair, they really didn't bother me. Only recently I encountered an unfamiliar emotion; stress. 

Now, I have always interacted with stress on a minimal level in my everyday life, but this type of stress is unguarded and creeps up on me when I least expect it. For example, being in the movie theatres recently and noticing people had more of an emotional response with a robot character pleading not to be hacked up to pieces with a chainsaw. As the character begged not to be hurt, my heart immediately sunk and I felt quiet upset knowing that the people in the audience of the theatre really wouldn't know that this happens on a daily basis in real life, in what is really a living hell; your everyday abattoir. Or maybe what upset me further is that people do know what is going on, yet they absolutely disregard it because of a number of trivial reasons i.e. your fucking tastebuds are more important than someone's life. As the character in the film, had it's limb cut off (and let me remind you, it was technically a non-sentient being), it was a sad and ruthless moment, demonstrating that those with power in society, always get what what they want from the innocent, trusting victim. To see people in a theatre tearing up over a robot, I was also furious. Of course, the chances of being in a whole theatre of Vegans, would clearly of not been the case,  it just made me realise the LACK OF compassion we see in society towards real life events.

What I've realised is once your eyes and most importantly YOUR MIND is opened, it's impossible to unsee what you have learned, and in turn it is quiet distressing. So few people in this world, ESPECIALLY in the Western world really know whats going on or even give a fuck. Yes, we are so very lucky to live in these parts of the world, and if you're reading this now, you are one of those lucky few. This miracle we call "Google", should be used to its full advantage and not just for connecting with others. It should be used to connect the dots in the world. There is a reason there is an obesity problem. There is a reason there is global warming. And there is a reason why slaughterhouses don't have glass walls.

In spite of this, I did something to help me feel proactive in my current state of mind. Being part of the Sydney Vegan Club, I went along to one of the free seminar's called "How To Inspire Profound Lifestyle Change in Others". It helped me to learn the importance of helping inspire those who are interested and showing early signs vs those people who have the utmost arrogance and "superiority" to any animal aka a Speciesist. Time is precious, and so is your sanity. And at the end of the day, some people really don't aspire to be the fittest, healthiest or happiest they can be. It was good to hear from someone who has tried and tested methods in helping people awaken from their ignorant slumber (aka watch, and it made me feel more at peace and hopeful for the future. At the end of the day, it's not going to be the local butcher or CEO of McDonald's who advocates for the right's of these precious animals, it's going to be us. 


Graphic Design February/March

So yes, it's been a damn while since I've posted on my blog, so to make up for it - here are my recent designs! To keep up to date with my latest graphic designs, typography and other random samples, follow me at lunahdesigns on Instagram! Since I'm back at uni in my final semester ever and interning simultaneously, I'm trying to keep my own fun projects going just so I don't go too crazy.

Have a rad week!
Lunah x

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