Since I am now in my final year of my Bachelor of Design, I thought it would be wise to reflect and look back on what has been a crazy 5 and a half years (YES, damn it's been a while). A lot of you might not know that I did a year of Fine Arts when I first started University at College of Fine Arts (COFA) in Sydney. I was majoring in Painting and Drawing, but also touched on Photography, Ceramics, Metal Work and Print Screening and Textiles. Having only had a little bit of experience in these areas, they were definitely difficult, especially in an environment where it felt like the students around me were at level 100 before I even began. Being intimidated definitely held me back and I slowly learnt the intense level of expected quality of work in the first 6 months. However, I can easily say now, being in my final semester ever of University, that my personal confidence in my designs and the pride I have for the work I create has increased by 100 fold. 

People don't realise that being in design school is a time to EXPLORE, UNDERSTAND and SEARCH within yourself, with what you want to create and especially how (the methods, the techniques, the aesthetic, the specific materials and the audience you want). After a year, I transferred from Fine Arts and felt my true calling. I knew that in the Art world you would always have to be selfish, you have to have that type of drive that actually drives you crazy, and in a way, it is a rather lonely path. You are the director, the creator and the audience all wrapped in one. As I transferred to Design, I loved having a brief, a client that I could work with and communicate to, to essentially solve a visual problem. As much as it was hard to give up bit of that creative freedom in a way, it fulfilled the need of me wanting to HELP others. Graphic design is a wonderful practise, in which you still highly utilise your artistic abilities but look at a situation or concept with the idea that it has to be viable, attractive and engaging to your consumer.

 If you are finding yourself struggling to maintain your motivation during study

Studying a subject you love can AND will kill your creativity sometimes, because you're not 100% inspired or in the moment. For this very reason, I can't recommend highly enough that you always work on projects OUTSIDE of your university/ study. This is because the projects you get at Design/ Art/ Creative School will never 100% be the briefs you want to fulfil. This way you can start making a portfolio that your proud of. Not a single university project is in my actual graphic design portfolio.
Start a creative online outlet to get feedback that doesn't actually come from a teacher for once. Sure, they have their advantages, but what I found is that current Art & Design teachers seem to lack the ability to understand current trends and aesthetics. Getting peer review is a great way to get feedback without the pressure of creating something perfect. It's all about that practise! So start up a blog, a Behance or Loop account or even Instagram! Utilise the technology around you.
Consistency. People who are consistent in life will get the results they desire. If you go for a run everyday, you will soon become fitter than you were before. Start designing something small each and everyday, that may be something as small as a stamp or EP cover. Design a birthday card, a friend's Youtube banner, a band tshirt, whatever you want to do with your design abilities! Being consistent will GUARANTEE that your abilities progress and what you can design will then be boundless. For the first 2 years of university, I didn't do much with my time outside of class, except for extra life drawings classes. I relied entirely on the 6 hours a week that I attended and expected my skills to progress but, once I started putting in the extra work, I actually found it hard to stop. And thanks to that, I know have a portfolio I am proud of. Download my "Get Shit Done" To Do list >>> here <<< if you need that extra inspiration too!

Create yourself an inspiring place to work in! As comfy as it is to sit in bed with your laptop, it isn't perfect for posture and nether your creativity. Hop on Pinterest to get inspired and create a clean desk space and surround yourself with the right tools. Check out my inspo for a great desk here!

Goodluck to you! & yes, studying is 100% worth it because it gives you that time to really discover yourself.
If you have further questions, feel free to shoot me an email at laurenvingilis@gmail.com.


Astrology Graphic Sample

Graphic of the Week. 
Just sampling with random textures and layers I've had saved for a while. I did about a thousand different colour variations of this, and I'm kinda in love with the burnt orangey maroon against the faded mint green with hints of candy pink.


Falling in love with Autumn

As I'm currently at my desk, sipping on some hot cocoa (which I'm now addicted too since giving up coffee) and thinking sadly of the new mauve tie dye short shorts (in which I purchased not too long ago and now I will never get to wear them), I realised that a change in season is also a new excuse to mix up my daily fashion too. To be honest, my wardrobe is more suited to a Autumn/ Winter weather anyway, and rugging up in layers is the only way to physically stay warm. The last few days in Sydney has been absolutely insane, with super strong winds blowing branches and debris in the sky and the sun hasn't been seen for days - instead it's been replaced by an eerie grey fog that is blocked out the sun, perhaps Dementors are breeding nearby.

Coachella Dreaming

So I noticed I haven't done a design post in a while - I definitely have been food obsessed lately. But last weekend I did obsessively keep up to date with the #Coachella2015 hashtag on Instagram and stream live shows like Alison Wonderland, Vic Mensa and Tyler The Creator. With a serious case of FOMO, heavily lusting over the festival fashion and overall chill vibes of the weekend, I took inspiration to practise my own hand written calligraphy and see where it took me ...

Already putting together next years outfit to hopefully make it to Coachella myself, I plan to make a tie dye dress similar to the Rat & Boa one above!


Does it take a certain type of person to go Vegan?

2015 Photography © Lunah Designs

As I sit here, waiting for my soy latte at one of my favourite cafes, I realised that as much as I am like other people, I am also very different. I am your average uni student, with a constant struggle for funds, ordering a simple cup of coffee. Yet as I do this task, it gives me peace knowing that with every decision I make, I am helping contribute to a better planet; a better system; a way of changing the network in which we as humanity have completely fucked up in a quest to satisfy personal gluttony. It only takes one second to make a choice which is either going to help or harm the planet.

Why is it that even though we live in a time where we have access to infinite amounts of information (in the form of medical studies, live lectures, free online documentaries and Youtube testimonies) and yet people still don't have a clue about what is a) destroying the environment or that b) you can help with every decision you make? Because most people genuinely don't seem to care at the end of the day. Not everyone wants to be the best version of themselves, has the desire to help other sentient beings or even give our planet the best possible chance for survival. But for those people who do have that fire within themselves to learn about the world and see outside of the societal conditioning they have grown up with, will view Veganism with appreciation and consideration. 

Watermelon frappe & photography by @EarthlingMaxi
Delicious Food from Sadhana Kitchen - Photography by @EarthlingMaxi

So yes, it does take a certain type of person to go Vegan. But that doesn't mean that no one can, especially when it comes to age. Like I said before, if you're reading this blog post now, your one of those lucky few in the world who has access to unlimited information to the world we live in. Earthling Maxi is a perfect example of someone who is conscious of her soundings, and thereby lives accordingly, at only 16 years of age! I wish I was that open when I was that young, but it took me 20 years to awaken. Cherie of @thrivingonplants is another perfect example as well. At just 16 too, she has not only embraced Veganism, but also inspired thousands to do so by demonstrating how easy, delicious and simple this lifestyle really is. Well done girls, for representing the Australian Vegan lifestyle - we really do have a choice living in first world country, to not only make a better future, but help support Vegan businesses such as new cafes and restaurants, make other businesses consider having Vegan options (e.g. plant-based cheese) and support the fruit and vegetable farmers of our country too!

Raspberry & Banana Nicecream! Made by Cherie of @thrivingonplants

And yes, while I am a raw till 4, plant-based eater,  I am trying to slowly give up coffee - but the simple act of swapping dairy cow's milk to soy or almond milk is a split-second choice when ordering one. Not only does it help your health, it tastes almost exactly the same but without the cost of murdering an innocent animals life (yes, all dairy cows end up at the slaughterhouse as meat consumption in Australia). So start changing up little things in your everyday life! Try ordering the veggie option out at restaurants, trying new foods like tahini instead of mayonnaise, or having coconut yoghurt or fruit ice-cream (frozen fruit blended) as your dessert! Not only will your body feel the difference and thank you, daily acts of kindness do not need to be announced to the world since all acts of kindness mean the world to the animal. 

You don't have to eat less, you just have to eat right.

So what does a typical day look like as a Vegan? Well it truly depends. Some days are healthier than others, but I always strive for high carb and low fat, and fruit always, ALWAYS for breakfast. It makes you feel great, buzzing with energy, hydrated and satisfies your body completely. The more fruit you eat, the more your body craves it - because it is literally nature's superfood.

Fruit does digest quickly, so that's why I'm constantly eating throughout the day! With meals higher in fat (from nuts, oil, avocado etc) it's almost like your body notices immediately and you feel that tad more lethargic - even if they do taste amazing! So 99% of my cooking is done without oil, it's just steamed, baked or panfried quickly without much oil.

 Even if i'm on the run, i'll still get my fruit it! This was a litre banana smoothie - 7 spotty bananas blended with about 1/2 ltr of water!

Going plant-based is the single best decision I have ever made - for a number of reasons! Once you eat plants, you'll never miss anything else - Your tastebuds change every 2 weeks as well, so it's pretty easy to start getting hooked on the good stuff! x

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