HairBliss Repair Oil Review

I was ever so kindly given a sample of this by HairBliss themselves to see what I thought on the product. To be honest, I hadn't heard of the brand before, so I checked them out and was super pleased to see that the company has a strong focus on all natural and organic ingredients. Being a person who takes note of what I use on my body, I was eager to try this out!

After reading the list of ingredients I knew that the amount of nourishing power this oil treatment has, had to be good! It includes a blend of coconut, castor,  avocado,  olive oil, rosemary,  cedarwood, lavender and geranium oils - which is a lot, but each ingredient is specific to helping to repair your hair and scalp. 

What I love about their website also, is that they say "Do you know how incredible your body is designed to feel?" which I completely agree. We all need to start treasuring our bodies (inside & out) with the most naturalist ingredients instead of masking ourself with chemicals and fake colourings etc. 

The oil treatment itself I have to say, perhaps didn't smell as good as I had hoped (I usually use pure coconut oil on my hair as a treatment which smells delicious), I think which was due to the rosemary and olive oil in the treatment - but of course that didn't deter me from using it. I coated my hair from scalp to tip with about 2 small handfuls of the oil with plenty to spare in the pouch, and left it on for about 45 minutes. Now like all oil treatments, they can be a little tricky to get out of the hair, so I shampooed twice and conditioned once just to be sure.

I've recently (say, around the last 3 months) had a bit more dandruff than usual - perhaps due to swapping between the hot weather outside, and the cold air conditioning inside buildings. Even just after one treatment I have had noticeably less dandruff (virtually gone!) which I am stoked about, hair is definitely softer and would definitely use again! Like most products, you really have to use it a couple of times to see real benefits, so I definitely shall be continuing with my HairBliss treatment this summer!

EDIT: Thanks guys for uploading my review onto the HairBliss Instagram page! 


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