Sometimes it's scary to trial a new style or new aesthetic in the design world. For me, there is a fine line between combining current design/art/fashion trends and adding those "Nu" feels; But that's another reasons to have this blog as well, to add all those experimental pieces that didn't make the cut. I always strive to do something a little different, while still practising skills that I know I'll need in the real world. 

A little fact about me: I'm actually the laziest designer. If I find a way to do something in 2 seconds, I'll do that, and if it turns out differently to how I originally wanted it, BUT it's still works - I'll usually leave it at that haha. Trial and error is the key to my success with a dash of laziness. 

I think importantly, as a designer, you learn your own key skills in your favourite programs and become the master of those. I find it highly integral to the success of your designs to be different, have your own style, and don't let others persuade you. What's the point if everybody's work looks the same? I know my work can look similar to others and I feel like i'm still learning, but until I know what I'm really doing, I just use my computer like a kid on a playground, and run amuck on the programs until I'm tired and worn out.

Lunah x


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