Skin Care for you & the Earth

In a world with infinite information at our finger tips, it amazes me that we don't utilise this and put it to use! Every time we purchase an item, we are putting our money towards that product and showing our support for it, what it stands for and allowing them to continue their process of manufacture. 

This is where Lush and Sukin come in. Both of these companies are here to benefit you and I AND our beautiful planet. Of course there are a variety of other brands on the market that are cruelty free, environmentally conscious and are free from the myriad of harsh chemical products, however I do love to support the Australian market and encourage my friends and family to do so as well.

What I love about Sukin is that they are literally all about "Skincare that doesn't cost the Earth", which perfectly aligns with my own personal philosophy when it comes to health (and even my Design ethics). They are completely carbon neutral and only use ingredients that contain "active botanicals and essential oils [that are] carefully selected to restore vitality and radiance to the skin" as well.

Ever looked at the back of a skincare product and read the ingredients and wondered what on earth it all means, let alone where it comes from? With both Lush and Sukin products, it's much more simple. You can read their ingredients and understand perfectly what you're putting onto your skin and body. What astounds me though, is when other designer skincare labels advertise (and use it as their point of sale) that it contains a small percentage of "essence of rose hip oil" or "added Vitamin E!" when in fact you could be using a product that ONLY contains the active ingredients (which is what Lush and Sukin both do!). Of course, depending on how dry my skin is, I like to go back to basics and just use one simple ingredient (that has so many healing ailments anyway) such as coconut oil, rose hip oil or castor oil. 

Also unfortunately after doing a bit of research, I've realised that my usual foundation by Chanel does support animal testing. After reading about Chanel's testing methods, it seems they don't personally test their products on animals by outsource laboratories to do so for them so they can claim that "Chanel does not test on animals". I'm not surprised by this at all to be honest, coming from a corporate makeup and perfume enterprise. I certainly won't be purchasing this again (even though unfortunately it is a great product). I am open to suggestions for cruelty-free AND vegan makeup brands if anyone has recommendations!

Succulents Taking Over

My lovely friend Julia, has the most beautiful array of succulents in her front yard. She has carefully arranged them in an old bird cage which holds host to all these interesting varieties of succulents. So so beautiful! Reminds me of a miniature garden, perfect for those pixies to hang out in!

November Catchup + I N S P I R A T I O N

 Well damn, it has been a while since I last posted, but I suppose that's what happens when life gets in the way. Since I last posted, a few awesome things have actually happened - most importantly - IT'S SPRING AND THERE'S LOTS OF HEAT & SUNSHINE, AND IT'S BASICALLY SUMMER NOW. That's pretty much the most exciting aspect of my life right now - excellent weather = excellent mood. Also, excellent mood = frothing with inspiration (for the most part). Hoping everyone is having an awesome start to a magical Summer to-be! I'm not really sure who reads my blog these days to be honest, but if you are reading this, I hope it helps to trigger some inspiration for you too!

Not only have I finally finished this semester at uni, but I have also recently started my internship for a fantastic clothing company called Mink Pink. I've already started on their swimwear for the next Summer season! It's definitely different to what I'm used to - fashion graphics is something I never really thought about doing, but I know any experience I get will help. I know music promotion design is something that will always be my true calling, which is lucky because despite doing this internship I am still managing to freelance as well......especially for an awesome little blue-haired mermaid, which will be revealed soon! I also have started working at Bonds Underwear as well - needed a change of scene and it's actually quite fun too!

Thanks to creative genius & photographer, Prue Stent, (her photography directly above & below) she has helped me find my creative wave again after gaining it for a very short moment, I have been in a lull in the last three weeks as well. It's strange how you can love something so much, yet be completed stumped when your overworked with too much of a good thing and the love of your passion suddenly disappears.

These days, this is what's collecting on my dashboard as a bunch of inspiration images for colour, shape & textural reasons.

I've also been playing around with black and white photography as well - something I haven't really explored before but since it seems to give the illusion of an epic tan, I think I shall dabble in it some more...

Hope you all have an amazing weekend ~*~*~

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