D E S I G N S P U R T '14/15

Recently I've had what I call a "why-am-I-even-a-designer" moment. I've learnt over the last few years that inspiration is meant to come in waves, as are the times your designs turn out successful. But most importantly, when you work on a project and your trying to make it come to life and it's looking all as hell flat on your screen and your scream "DO YOU EVEN DESIGN" to yourself, it's time to file that project away and give your head some space and come back and look at it with fresh eyes a bit later. This has been really working for me recently, especially since I'll try just about anything to gives this designer's brain a well needed spurt of imagination. 

Not gonna lie, creating a mini moodboard, or as I like to call it, "vibe board" helps me to gather all the bits and pieces running around my head, to see if it will all mesh together well.

Below are some samples that I started making for a client - they backed out, so now I can use these images however I please .... Would love for these to end up on the cover of some EP or vinyl...

Hope you enjoyed my works from the early Summer ... posting this so that you can see them in full HD quality and not just off the tiny Instagram page. Having these here also as a reminder that even though it may be a slow and long process, design work can be successful if I am persistant, even just doing a tiny task a day helps to keep the purr of motivation and inspiration consistent. 

H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S  T O  A L L !


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